Mission - Vision - Core Beliefs
Littleton Education Association
Our mission is to empower educators to advocate for the resources necessary to develop and sustain professional excellence in Littleton Public Schools and to work with the district and community to preserve LPS as a unique place to teach in a culture of collaboration, shared decision making and mutual trust.
Our vision is nothing less than realizing the full potential of our educators -through teacher leadership development, manageable workloads, adequate plan time and competitive compensation and benefits- resulting in the creation of high performing school systems.
We believe that education is a public good and the collective responsibility of everyone in society. We believe every child has the right to a Great Public School where they receive a high quality education from dedicated, highly trained teachers in a safe, caring environment. We believe the best educational policies and practices are developed when practicing teachers have a significant role in their development. We believe partnerships with parents, families, communities and other stakeholders are essential to quality public education and student success. We believe recruiting, preparing and retaining quality teachers is the central strategy for improving our schools. We believe investing in quality teaching requires funding schools at a level which will enable success. We believe as education professionals, that we improve the quality of public education and the teaching profession through unity and collective advocacy We believe education associations should be involved in school reform.