Legal Services
Littleton Education AssociationLegal Services for Your Professional Life
Our Association provides comprehensive legal assistance for a wide range of employment matters such as performance evaluations; discipline; non-renewals, lay-offs, and dismissals; child abuse and other criminal charges; discrimination; sexual harassment; daily problems among faculty and staff or with the administration. CEA employs six attorneys, not contract attorneys at the other end of an 800 number. All CEA attorneys are trained and experienced in public education law and labor law. Some specialize in criminal law, as well. This job protection is backed by professional liability insurance, paid for with your NEA dues. Very few members ever use their liability insurance, but many take advantage of help from a Local President,or UniServ Director. The LEA UniServ Director is trained and experienced in employment law, contracts, school board policy, and job-related legal issues. CEA is the only public education employee organization in Colorado that provides this comprehensive legal services program.
Questions? Contact : [email protected]